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DEVELOPMENTS), ISSN: 2079-5165, eISSN: 2410-7948, DOI: 10.21455/std;

about.asp?id=32295; The journal was founded in 1992.


V.N. Tatarinov1,2, I.M. Aleshin1,2, T.A. Tatarinova1,2

1 Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2 Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author: V.N. Tatarinov, e-mail:


– methodology for local geodynamic observations with GNSS is developed

– observations are performed around NPP and radioactive waste disposal sites

– impact of recent movements on the insulation properties of rock massive is studied

– geoecological safety of radioactive waste disposal facility has been substantiated

– the provisions of existing regulations have been amended

– an overview of the results obtained during 1995–2017 is given

Abstract. The article provides an overview of the observations of the recent movements of the Earth's crust using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) at nuclear energy facilities. In 1995–2002 observations were made at the geodynamic test ranges of the Novovoronezh, Kalinin and Rostov NPPs. According to GNSS observations, a conclusion was made about the stability of the site of the Kalinin NPP and it was recommended to take into account the deformations of the Earth's surface in a north-south direction for better design decisions. The creation of a geodynamic test range for monitoring the Rostov NPP area on the basis of GPS technology facilitated the state environmental expertise during the launch of the first reactor of the nuclear power plant in 2001. In the area of the construction of the first in Russia deep repository for high-level radioactive waste (Krasnoyarsk region), a geodynamic test range was created to monitor the recent movements of the Earth’s crust and a methodology for processing and interpreting geodynamic observations was developed, taking into account the large-scale space-time effect. For the first time, the velocities of horizontal deformations of the Earth's crust have been instrumentally measured for a region located at the junction of the largest tectonic structures-the Siberian Platform and the West Siberian Plate, and the cyclic nature of the geodynamic regime has been established. Completed in 2010–2016, the observations showed that in 2010–2013 the maximum changes in the distances between observation points did not exceed 10 mm per year. In 2013–2014 the activation of tectonic regime was manifested by the change of signs of deformation of compression and stretching of the upper part of the Earth's crust on right bank and left bank of the Yenisei river. The annual rates of maximum change in the lengths of the baseline lines during the activation period reached ±18 mm. Mean square errors in terms of plane and height for 2012–2016 were 3.0–3.5 mm and 6.0–7.4 mm, respectively. Taking into account the scale factor, new methodological approaches were developed for interpreting the data, which made it possible to assess the degree of impact of the recent movements of the Earth's crust on the preservation of the natural isolating properties of rock massifs to justify the geoecological safety of high-level radioactive waste disposal in the area. Based on the results of observations, the boundary conditions were established for modeling the stress-strain state of the rock massif, and geodynamic zoning at the Industrial Site of the Isotope Chemical Plant of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) Mining and Chemical Combine (GKhK) was carried out in 2016.

Keywords: space geodesy, satellite navigation systems, objects of atomic energy use, geodynamics, modern movements of the earth's crust, deformations.

Cite this article as: Tatarinov V.N., Aleshin I.M., Tatarinova T.A. Practice of observations by space geodesy methods on objects of using atomic energy, Nauka i Tekhnologicheskie Razrabotki (Science and Technological Developments), 2018, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 25–44. [Special issue “Precise Geophysical Monitoring of Natural Hazards. Part 2. Safety of Nuclear Energy Facilities”]. [in Russian]. DOI: 10.21455/std2018.2-2


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About the authors

TATARINOV Viktor Nikolaevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of  Laboratory of Geodynamics, Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119296, Moscow, Molodezhnaya, 3. Chief Research Scientist, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS. 123242, Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya 10, stroenie 1. Tel.: +7 (495) 930-51-39. E-mail:

ALESHIN Igor Mikhailovich – Ph. D. (phys. and math.), Head of a laboratory, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS. 123242, Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya 10, stroenie 1. Tel.: +7 (499) 254-89-97. E-mail:

TATARINOVA Tatiana Aleksandrovna – Senior Researcher, Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, RAS. 123242, Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya 10, stroenie 1. Scientific Secretary, Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119296, Moscow, Molodezhnaya, 3. Tel.:  +7(499) 766-26-56. E-mail: